Contributions to the conference proceedings are expected to be submitted no later than January 28th 2022 and have to be sent by e-mail to . For paper preparation and submission see the following guidelines:
Abstracts may have a length of up to 2 pages of A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm, portrait, printable area 160 mm x 240 mm).
- Underline the presenting author.
- E-mail address of the corresponding author should be placed in the affiliation field.
- Do NOT print a page number.
- If you need to include figures, use standard formats such as .jpg, .gif, .png, etc.
- Use only Times/Helvetica/Courier/Symbol/Arial/Times New Roman fonts.
A template file is available in MS Word format.
The format of the submitted document has to be Adobe PDF.
Do not forget to check that the document is not infected by any computer viruses.