Solutions and Services

Optimizing existing technologies, clearing up questions, solving problems or boosting our partners’ specialist knowledge: Empa’s staff support you with their first-rate expertise, experience and state-of-the-art technical and analytical infrastructure.
Empa offers professional consulting services in its research fields. It also performs complex studies and measurements on behalf of institutions from industry and society.
The Empa-Portal offers potential partners and customers direct, straightforward access to Empa’s know-how.
Empa is the technical assessment body for building products in Switzerland. Its expertise and experience enable technical assessments of newly developed building products for which there are no harmonized standards as yet.
The Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS) has recognized more than a dozen Empa offices. This means they are deemed capable of performing a given task competently, extremely reliably and in the quality required.
Empa’s regulations and general terms and conditions as well as information and fact sheets are provided here.